How does it feel to be deaf for half an hour after flying?

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  • Source:Charging Hearing Aids

​According to observations, it is a common phenomenon to have an uncomfortable feeling in the ears when an airplane takes off or lands. Although it is generally uncomfortable, some people have good Eustachian tubes and do not feel much pain through actions such as swallowing. According to foreign statistics, about 1/3 of adults feel pain from time to time. Infants and teenagers are more serious. A survey shows that about 60% of infants will feel ear pain when flying.

What is it like to be deaf for half an hour after flying?

This is called aviation temporary deafness, which occurs due to changes in atmospheric pressure when traveling on an airplane. Wearable aircraft earplugs can automatically adjust the air pressure in the ears and enjoy a quiet flight

When we ascend by plane to 36-59 meters above sea level, the outside air pressure drops by 3-5 mm of mercury column. At this time, I started to feel a fullness in my ears. This is because the pressure in the tympanic cavity is higher than the outside air pressure. When the plane ascends to an altitude of 150 meters, the air pressure drops by 15 mm of mercury. At this time, the gas in the tympanic cavity rushes open the eustachian cavity, allowing the air pressure inside and outside the tympanic cavity to obtain a new balance. Therefore, the Eustachian tube plays a very important role in regulating the air pressure in the tympanic cavity. Especially when the plane is descending, the external air pressure gradually rises, and the air pressure in the tympanic cavity is relatively low. Therefore, experienced people can rely on swallowing or chewing movements to open the pharyngeal opening of the eustachian cavity. Balance the air pressure inside and outside the tympanum.

There are four types of people who are prone to ear pain when flying:
1. People with poor Eustachian tube function are prone to pain. Because of different physiological development, the function of each person's Eustachian tube varies greatly.
2. People suffering from rhinitis and sinusitis are prone to pain. At this time, the Eustachian tube is easily blocked.
3. People with colds and stuffy noses are prone to pain. At this time, the Eustachian tube is also easily blocked.

4. Babies and teenagers are prone to pain. Because the child's Eustachian tube has not developed well.

The following are reliable and non-controversial traditional methods:
1. When taking a larger aircraft, the cabin air pressure is lower than that of a regional aircraft. Speak higher. The only thing you can control is doing the things that cause your Eustachian tubes to open. For example, swallowing saliva, eating, drinking, yawning, etc. Be careful not to drink alcohol, which can increase mucus and cause the Eustachian tube to swell, making the earache worse.
2. Find a doctor to prescribe a vasoconstrictor drug. Before landing, drop it into the nasal cavity to dilate the Eustachian tube and relieve discomfort.
3. The most effective way: wearing airplane earplugs can automatically adjust the air pressure in your ears and enjoy a quiet flight. Please see product description.
4. For those with extremely severe cold and nasal congestion, it is recommended not to fly. While wearing airplane earplugs can reduce pain, they can't be completely avoided.

5. When there are some minor accidents on the plane, such as problems with the pressurization equipment in the cabin (or the glass window breaks and leaks pressure), the air pressure suddenly drops. Traditional methods are ineffective and you can only wear airplane earplugs. .

Medical experts remind people that if they often eat candies while flying, and keep chewing and swallowing them, the opening of the Eustachian tube in the nasopharynx will be open and the air can flow freely. In and out of the tympanic cavity, the air pressure inside and outside the tympanic cavity can effectively maintain a balance, promote the recovery and normalization of the tympanic membrane, thereby alleviating tinnitus.

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