What is hearing loss?

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  • Source:Charging Hearing Aids

I can’t hear clearly, so I usually speak very loudly. People I know well quietly told me that they think my voice is too loud, which is a bit harsh, but this is beyond my control! I couldn’t hear others clearly before.

What is hearing loss?
Deafness is commonly referred to as deafness. Deafness can be acute or progressive, as follows:

1. Acute and sudden deafness is called sudden deafness. Sudden deafness The degree of decline is so great that many people can barely hear. Inability to hear in one ear is often caused by damage to the auditory nerve. The auditory nerve may be the center, nerves, or cochlea. This situation is considered an emergency in the ear, nose, and throat. You need to go to the hospital immediately. The earlier the treatment, the better the effect. Generally, if it takes more than 48 hours, the effect will be very poor. If it takes more than three weeks, it will basically be impossible to recover. If your hearing suddenly decreases to a great extent and you can no longer hear, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible;

2. If your hearing decreases slowly, hearing loss caused by chronic inflammation of the nose, ears, throat, or acoustic neuroma is generally a gradual decrease. , if it has attracted the patient's attention, it can be detected by going to the hospital for examination. It can be found through pure tone audiometry, tympanometry, otoacoustic emissions, auditory brainstem evoked potentials, and even magnetic resonance of the head.

Watching TV or listening to the radio at too loud a volume can easily cause conflicts between neighbors; not being able to hear the sound of cars on the street can easily cause traffic accidents. Therefore, for the elderly, deafness will seriously affect their quality of life. Over time, due to deafness, these elderly people are unwilling to interact with others. It is precisely because of the lack of communication with others that their personalities become irritable, withdrawn, and even weird. Their physical and mental health is affected to a certain extent, and they may even develop Alzheimer's disease. One of the causes of the disease.

Relief methods

The elderly are at high risk of ear diseases, and the cause of the disease is natural physiological phenomena such as the decline in cochlear capacity. How to delay the onset of ear loss? Experts say that this is not only related to genetic factors, but also requires taking care of the ears from an early age, such as a peaceful living environment, not taking medications indiscriminately, not eating too much greasy food, etc.

In addition, experts point out that many elderly people either do not wear Hearing Aids in time after hearing loss, or they just buy a pair of hearing aids at a street stall and wear them. In fact, this is wrong. Buying a hearing aid is like wearing glasses for myopia. The power and model suitable for each person are different. Therefore, you must go to a regular hospital for a formal examination before wearing a hearing aid.

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