What should I do if my ears are a little deaf?

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  • Source:Charging Hearing Aids

Originally, the majority of deaf patients were the elderly and children. The health of the elderly was determined by whether they were deaf or blind. However, in recent years, the life and work pressure of young people have become increasingly stressful, and the incidence of deafness among young people has also become higher and higher. In life, there are many causes of deafness. Because the types are diverse, the diagnosis methods and treatment measures are also different.

What should I do if I am a little deaf?
1. Causes
1. Noise-induced deafness: The degree of deafness is mainly related to noise intensity and exposure time. Secondly, it is also related to noise spectrum and individual differences
2. Traumatic deafness: Craniocerebral trauma and temporal bone fractures damage the inner ear structure, causing inner ear bleeding, or inner ear damage caused by strong concussions, which can lead to sensorineural deafness.
3. Drug-toxic deafness: Drug-toxic deafness is bilateral, often accompanied by tinnitus, and vestibular function may also be damaged.
4. Presbycusis: It is mostly caused by arteriosclerosis and bone hyperplasia in old age, which leads to insufficient blood supply to the spiral organ hair cells and spiral ganglia, leading to degenerative disease or central nervous system decline, leading to hearing loss.
5. Sudden deafness: It is a sensorineural hearing loss that occurs suddenly and has unknown cause. The lesions may involve the spiral organ, or even rupture of the vestibular membrane and cochlear window membrane.

2. Symptoms
1. Noise-induced deafness: high-pitched tinnitus, hearing loss, accompanied by dizziness and headache.
2. Traumatic deafness: hearing loss, tinnitus, vertigo, ear blockage, nystagmus.
3. Drug poisoning deafness: headache, dizziness, deafness, hearing loss, and dizziness.

4. Presbycusis: tinnitus and vertigo, inability to concentrate on hearing, speaking loudly, and often increasing the volume when watching TV or listening to the radio.

3. Treatment
1. Drug treatment: Drug treatment generally uses pure Chinese patent medicine formulas, traditional syndrome differentiation and targeted treatment.
2. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be tried: Hyperbaric oxygen has a significant effect on the hearing recovery and improvement of accompanying symptoms in patients with sudden deafness.

3. Hearing aid therapy: Wearing Hearing Aids can improve the patient's hearing condition.

4. Electronic cochlear implantation: Electronic cochlear implantation can be considered for cochlear deafness.
5. Surgical treatment: Surgical treatment is generally not recommended when it is absolutely necessary.

6. Habituation therapy: a new high-tech platform for clinical diagnosis that integrates diagnosis and treatment of tinnitus and deafness, patient management and consultation.

The more severe the deafness, the more obvious the language barrier. Hearing loss below 25dB generally has no language barrier and will not affect normal language communication. * For people with an average hearing loss of 26 to 40dB,There is no difficulty in hearing ordinary speech, but it will be difficult to listen in situations where many people are meeting. Smaller sounds are difficult to hear. This situation is more prominent if the high frequency drops significantly. If infants and young children have this kind of hearing loss, it will affect the development of language and intelligence to varying degrees.

Deafness is not an ordinary disease. If you feel any discomfort or damage to your ears, you must seek medical treatment in time to avoid delaying the condition and leading to serious illness. In daily life, you should pay attention to maintaining good habits and protecting your ears to prevent deafness. When listening to music with headphones or singing in KTV, pay attention to the volume. In a noisy working environment, be sure to wear noise-reducing earplugs.

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