How can deafness be improved?

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  • Source:Charging Hearing Aids

Deaf patients cannot hear clearly what others are saying. In order to avoid the embarrassment when communicating with others, deaf patients may slowly isolate themselves, which may even cause bad temper, withdrawn personality or depression. Over time, their hearing will become slower and their brain thinking will slow down.

How can deafness be improved?
1. Drug treatment and other conservative treatments. Such as acute otitis media, otitis externa, ear canal cerumen embolism and early sudden deafness. Especially once sudden deafness occurs, drug treatment is required as soon as possible. The earlier the treatment, the better the prognosis. People with high risk factors for noise-induced deafness should pay attention to noise protection.
2. Surgical treatment. Surgery can reconstruct the sound-transmitting structures of the outer and middle ears and clear out lesions. Such as most chronic otitis media, acoustic neuroma, otosclerosis, etc.
3. Cochlear implant or brain stem implant. For patients with sensorineural deafness who have profound bilateral deafness or total deafness, cochlear implants or brainstem implants can be considered based on professional examination results.
4. Wear Hearing Aids. Hearing aids are a good option for patients who are ineffective in medical and surgical treatments. A hearing aid is a sound amplification device that amplifies sound and transmits it to the ear, so that the hearing of people with hearing loss can be compensated. But wearing a hearing aid is also a science, and you can't just buy one and put it on. Just as you need to have your eyes checked when wearing glasses, you also need to "check your hearing" when wearing hearing aids. This requires adjusting and amplifying the frequency, otherwise you will "only hear a very loud sound without knowing what others are saying" or "the power of the sound you hear". We "Speech is composed of sounds of different frequencies. Deaf patients have different hearing loss at each frequency, which is harsh and intolerable." Once an elderly person develops hearing impairment, he or she must go to a professional hearing aid fitting center to check the hearing and ear canal conditions, and choose a suitable hearing aid based on the condition and nature of the hearing loss.

We master a reasonable and scientific diet in our daily lives, and pay attention to psychological and daily adjustment, which is of great significance to the prevention and treatment of tinnitus.
1. Limit fat intake. Ingesting a large amount of fatty foods will increase blood lipids and blood viscosity, causing arteriosclerosis. The inner ear is most sensitive to blood supply disorders. When blood circulation disorders occur, it will lead to a lack of nutrients in the auditory nerve, resulting in deafness.

2. Add more protein- and vitamin-rich foods. Research by relevant experts has found that noise can increase the consumption of some amino acids and vitamins (such as vitamins B1, B2, B6, etc.) in the human body. Therefore, we should eat more foods rich in vitamin D, iron, zinc and other elements in our daily diet. This type of food mainly includes lean meat, beans, fungus, mushrooms, various green leafy vegetables, radishes, tomatoes, garlic, oysters, etc.

3. Drink more milk. Some people say that milk is the "human nanny". Milk contains almost all known vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin E and carotene. Milk especially contains vitamins A, D, and B2 content is high. The absorption and utilization of these vitamins and calcium are very helpful in preventing and improving blood circulation and deafness symptoms.

4. Eat more foods containing zinc. There are many factors leading to presbycusis, and zinc deficiency is an important reason. Foods rich in zinc include: fish, beef, pork liver, chicken, chicken liver, eggs, various seafood; apples, oranges, walnuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, etc.

5. Patients with presbycusis can eat more fish, especially herring. Because herring is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, it can free the gelatinous neutral fat and cholesterol from the blood vessel wall to avoid hyperlipidemia, thereby achieving the purpose of preventing and treating presbycusis.

6. Eat soy products often. Nutrition experts believe that supplementing the human body with iron can expand capillaries, soften red blood cells, ensure blood supply to the ears, and effectively prevent hearing loss. The content of iron and zinc in soybeans is much higher than that of other foods. Soybeans also contain a large amount of calcium, which can supplement insufficient calcium metabolism in the cochlea and improve the symptoms of deafness and tinnitus. Therefore, eating soy products regularly is helpful in preventing deafness.

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