What are the symptoms of moderate hearing loss?

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In real life, many people have mild or moderate hearing loss, but most people think it is not important or think it is a normal phenomenon as they get older. Indeed, patients with mild or moderate hearing loss can hear very well in a quiet environment, and normal close communication is basically no different from those with normal hearing. However, when the environment changes slightly, the negative effects of mild hearing loss ensue.

What are the symptoms of moderate hearing loss?
The most obvious thing is: difficulty hearing normal sounds. People with moderate hearing loss have difficulty listening to conversations at normal volume; soft sounds are more likely to be ignored and cannot be heard; in complex environments, environmental noise interferes with normal speech sounds, making it more difficult to hear consonants. Talking at a closer distance, focusing on lip reading, speaking repeatedly, speaking louder from a normal distance, etc., are all effective ways to improve the audibility of normal sounds. At this time, you can wear Hearing Aids to assist listening.

Moderate hearing loss is between 41 and 60 decibels, which means hearing loss. When communicating, the other party needs to repeat or slightly raise their voice to hear clearly. Hearing aids are needed in most situations, such as one-to-one conversations, multiple conversations, watching TV, etc., where hearing aids are needed. Usually the speech resolution and clarity of speech of people with hearing loss are acceptable.

Hearing damage can be divided into congenital and acquired. Congenital is often caused by genetic genes, drugs, or premature babies are in incubators, because the hearing loss is impaired during the recovery process. Nerves are damaged; while some acquired hearing loss is due to meningitis infection, sudden hearing loss due to viral infection, or age-related degenerative hearing loss.

Hearing loss is divided into three levels: mild, moderate and severe. Moderate hearing loss has seriously affected people's normal life. Prevent hearing loss in daily life. Damage is also very critical, especially some high-decibel noises, which can easily damage people's eardrums. Some damage cannot be rebounded. Only by starting with prevention can you have a healthy body.

What to do if you have moderate hearing loss
1. The newborn period. The situation of babies with hearing loss is different for each baby. Some will be fine with correct health care measures, some will need some medicine, some will need hearing aids, and more serious cases will need cochlear implants, etc.
2. Childhood. Parents should pay more attention to observation on weekdays, and go to the otolaryngology department for examination as soon as possible after discovery. Most of them can be improved through auxiliary treatment, drug treatment or surgery, and hearing will also get better or return to normal.
3. Adulthood. Adults catch viruses when they catch a coldThe influence of factors such as this may damage the auditory system, leading to hearing loss or even total deafness. Some patients can improve or return to normal hearing through timely drug treatment. Some patients cannot recover or slowly improve in the later period. Patients who cannot recover at all can be treated according to their hearing loss. If possible, wear a hearing aid or a cochlear implant and return to the world of sound.
4. Old age stage. Wearing hearing aids to deaf elderly people can solve a major problem in life.

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